Written by: PerDimagrire in tips for weight loss 0 9.177 Views
What HCA?
The HCA, is a natural substance contained in the fruit Garcinia Cambogia, it is also known as Citrimax, Hydroyxcitric acid, or just like Garcinia. Often this substance is found in natural slimming supplements because it has been scientifically proven that helps:
Lose Weight
Check the absorption of carbohydrates
Control emotional eating
HCA or Garcinia Cambogia: How does it work?
Hydroxycitric acid (HCA) is extracted from an Asian fruit named Garcinia Cambogia. Widely consumed for centuries by people across India and Southeast Asia, HCA is used to aid fat loss.
HCA Garcinia Cambogia who can make how much and how often to take garcinia cambogia use of them?
Garcinia CambogiaHCA is suitable for all those who want to lose weight without stimulating supplements. In fact the HCA has stimulating effects on the central nervous system, HCA does not cause changes in heart rate and blood pressure, and mostly does not interfere with sleep, as do many supplements. HCA Garcinia Cambogia extract so it’s a perfect slimming supplement without side effects; This is because it is all natural, you must still be careful what kind of supplement you are buying here in fact we recommend that you always read the ingredients of dietary supplements that you decide to buy.
HCA and Garcinia Cambogia: How does it work?
HCA (hydroxycitric acid) is a natural extract from the rind of the Indian fruit Garcinia Cambogia. In 1960 and 1970, the pharmaceutical giant Hoffmann-La Roche Inc. He began a series of research projects and has received several patents on HCA (patent # 3,993,667 of the United States). However, because patents are difficult to apply on natural products, Hoffman-La Roche has abandoned its efforts.
HCA works in two ways to promote weight loss:
1-recent studies show that the body is very easy to transform the excess carbohydrates (such as bread, pasta and desserts) to fat. However, before the calories of carbohydrates in excess can be stored as fat, an enzyme called ATP citrate lyase must be present to facilitate the process. HCA acts as a partitioning agent by stimulating the flow of energy from fat by interfering with the function of ATP-citrate lyase. Does taking over from another chemical that binds to the enzyme, rendering it ineffective. In other words, HCA restricts the conversion of carbohydrates into fat. Instead, HCA will accompany carbs in muscles. This has two main benefits.
First, it will give you energy to pursue physical activity regularly, indeed help to do even more than what’s usually manages to do at the gym. Secondly, it means that you don’t need to follow a low carbohydrate diet very restrictive. Of course, calories have got to end somewhere. Blocking ATP-citrate lyase, HCA of Garcinia Cambogia is able to move the calories from fat into glycogen (the name given to carbohydrates stored in the body), this means that the carbohydrate is stored in muscle, rather than fat.
2-appetite-suppressing Effect of HCA appears to be a result of all the glycogen stored. When glycogen stores are rising, glucorecettori in the liver are stimulated. These glucorecettori are sending the signal to the brain that you are full “. The result is that you do not feel hungry.
Garcinia Ca, bogiaHCA, Garcinia Cambogia: scientific evidence
A study of three months out of 89 overweight women conducted from Purdue University shows that a group using HCA has lost more weight (5 kg against 3 kg) than in the placebo group. Another study presented at the Experimental Biology 2002 also shows that HCA is beneficial. In this study, 48 subjects received HCA or a placebo daily. Both groups consumed 2,000 calories a day and exercised regularly exercise. Subjects using HCA have lost nearly 5 percent of their weight after eight weeks. Those in the placebo group lost slightly less than 2%.
Eight-week clinical study published in the peer-reviewed journal, Nutrition Research, reveal similar results. The study consisted of 30 human volunteers divided into three groups. One group received HCA, while the second group received a placebo. The supplements were given daily in three divided doses 30-60 minutes before meals. Both groups were placed on a diet of 2,000 calories a day and participated in a program of 30 minutes, five days a week.